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Image of Medford High School mural

Image of Medford High School mural

Carpentry student using a drill
Image of Medford High School cheerleaders

Image of Medford High School cheerleaders

MHS/MVTHS Underpass on a sunny day
CTE Robotics and Engineering student working a computer and Tormach machine.

CTE Robotics and Engineering student working a computer and Tormach machine.

Welcome to MHS/MVTHS


489 Winthrop Street
Medford, MA 02155

Phone Number

MHS: (781) 393-2204
MVTHS: (781) 393-2207


MHS: Marta Cabral
MVTHS: Chad Fallon

Additional MHS/MVTHS Information


Announcements  TODAY is “D” Day - Week “B”Thursday, February 13, 2025 

-Extended Advisory Schedule

-CCSR health and hygiene drive

-V-day Cupid's messages

-Join the Key Club

-Library's "Date With a Book"

-World Language Club fundraiser

-Students 4 Society will be holding a pre-sale for Mochi Donuts

-Every Friday through March 28th, there is CoEd High School Pickup Futsal from 9:15-10:00 pm.

-Tuft's Philosophy workshop TODAY

-Baseball meeting Today

-Genesis meeting TODAY

-Eco League is offering community service

-Join the Student Involvement Organization!

-The GSA is having their Valentine's Day-themed meeting TODAY

-Join our Photo Contest

-Justin Marino scored 1000 points 1st time in 25 years


Announcements : TODAY is “B” Day - Week “B” Tuesday, February 11, 2025 

-CCSR hygiene drive

-Cupid Message fundraiser

-Key Club meeting Thursday

-Blind date with a book in the library

-World Language Club V-Day fundraiser

-Students 4 Society donut fundraiser

-pico CTF Cybersecurity challenge team, at 2:25 after school TODAY in the Library

-Library Makerspace available for your projects

-Seniors, check Naviance for scholarships

-Every Friday through March 28th, there is CoEd High School Pickup Futsal from 9:15-10:00 pm.

-meeting of the Tufts Philosophy Workshop this Thursday at 3 o'clock

-Girl's Lacrosse meeting today at 4

-Baseball meeting Thursday

-Genesis meeting Thursday

-Eco League is offering community service hours

-NTHS meeting tomorrow

-Cyber Security

MHS/MVTHS Photo Contest

-Join the Fine Arts Department photo contest!

-All you have to do is snap a pic with you or as a group and the heart balloons and upload your photo!

-Prizes will be awarded

Medford SEPAC
Welcome and please join us for our February SEPAC meeting. This will be a General Business Meeting held virtually and will provide an opportunity to meet other parents/guardians, find support, ask questions, and socialize. During this meeting, we will be covering where we are in the process of bringing Best Buddies to Medford High School.
Superintendent's Friday Message 2.7.25

Today’s Message Includes:

  • Opening Message
  • MPS Celebrates 100 Days of School
  • Students Achieve Success Outside the Classroom
  • Humanities Department Recaps Their Year So Far
  • Food Services Continues to Find New Ways to Support Students
  • Job Opening
  • Upcoming Events


School Calendar