Daily Schedules/Report Absences
MHS/MVTHS Attendance Phone Lines
Reporting Absences - Contact the House Assistant Principal’s Office with your child’s absence:
House M: Jane King (781) 393-2245
House H: Martha McCarthy (781) 393-2285
House S: Karen DeAngelis (781) 987-2598
Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal Times
7:20am – 7:40am – Student Arrival – All students should be at MHS by 7:40am (First Bell)
7:45am – Students report to homeroom/first period (students tardy after 7:45am, Second Bell)
2:18pm – Dismissal
Student Arrival Entrances
All students should enter the building from the Library Door Entrances or the Main Foyer entrance. All other entrances will not be accessible unless there is a student need.
Parent Pick Up and Drop Off
This year to alleviate traffic concerns we are implementing a new drop-off protocol. All student pick/drop-off will be at the West Courtyard by the library entrance in the morning and in the afternoon. Spaces will be labeled where parents/caregivers can park for an afternoon pick-up. No one should be parking in the fire lane loop in front of the school. That lane is for emergency purposes only and the curb is marked with yellow paint.
Bell Schedule
Regular Time
Warning: 7:40
Advisory: 7:45 - 7:49
Period 1: 7:52 - 8:48
Period 2: 8:51 - 9:47
Period 3: 9:50 - 10:46
"A" Group (5 min passing)
Lunch "A" 10:51 - 11:21
Period 4: 11:24 - 12:20
"B" Group (5 min passing)
Period 4: 10:51 - 11:47
Lunch: 11:50 - 12:20
Period 5: 12:23 - 1:19
Period 6: 1:22 - 2:18
Advisory Activity
Warning: 7:40
Advisory: 7:45 - 7:50
Period 1: 7:52 - 8:41
Period 2: 8:44 - 9:33
Advisory Activity: 9:35 - 10:19
Period 3: 10:22- 11:10
"A" Group (5 min passing)
Lunch "A" 11:15 - 11:45
Period 4: 11:48 - 12:36
"B" Group (5 min passing)
Period 4: 11:15 - 12:03
Lunch: 12:06 - 12:36
Period 5: 12:31 - 1:23
Period 6: 1:26 - 2:18
Early Release
Warning: 7:40
Advisory: 7:45 - 7:50
Period 1: 7:52 - 8:35
Period 2: 8:38 - 9:16
Period 3: 9:19 - 9:57
Period 4: 10:00 - 10:38
Period 5: 10:41 - 11:19
Period 6: 11:22 - 12:00
eXTENDED Advisory
Warning: 7:40
Advisory: 7:45 - 8:15
Period 1: 8:18 - 9:10
Period 2: 9:13 - 10:05
Period 3: 10:08- 11:00
"A" Group (5 min passing)
Lunch "A" 11:03 - 11:33
Period 4: 11:36 - 12:28
"B" Group (5 min passing)
Period 4: 11:03 - 11:55
Lunch: 11:58 - 12:28
Period 5: 12:31 - 1:23
Period 6: 1:26 - 2:18
Warning: 9:40
Advisory: 9:45 - 9:50
Period 1: 9:53 - 10:28
Period 2: 10:31 - 11:06
Period 4: 11:09 - 11:44
"A" Group
Period 4: 11:49- 12:24
"B" Group
Period 3: 12:27 - 1:02
Period 5: 1:05 - 1:40
Period 6: 1:43 - 2:18