Health & Physical Education
Director of Physical Education & Health Education
Rachel Perry
Medford Public Schools provides a quality physical education/health education program for all students in grades k-12. The program is staffed with Massachusetts DESE highly qualified licensed teachers. The goal of the Physical Education & Health Education Department of Medford Public Schools is to enhance the wellbeing of the school community by creating a culture that integrates and balances the six dimensions of wellness: social, physical, intellectual, occupational, emotional and spiritual. The department strives to encourage an active, healthy lifestyle, healthy decision making, and a life-long commitment to wellness. The curriculum is based on state and national physical education and health education frameworks.
Guiding Principles
The National SHAPE Physical Education Standards
The National SHAPE physical education Standards are grouped into 5 standards for each grade.
Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 3. The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5. The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
The National CDC Health Education Standards
The National CDC health education Standards are grouped into 8 standards for each grade:
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.
Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
Curriculum Overview
High School Physical Education
Freshman Physical Education: Foundations of Fitness 1.0 credit (2 quarters)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the principles of fitness. Emphasis is on the scientific basis for setting up and engaging in personalized physical fitness programs. Students will learn basic anatomy, cardiovascular exercise routines and the proper form for strength & flexibility exercises for each muscle group. Students will also learn about aquatic fitness and basic water safety skills. Upon completion, students should be able to set up and implement an individualized physical fitness program.
Sophomore Physical Education - Personal Wellness Activities
This course is designed to introduce the student to the seven dimensions of wellness. Students will learn about the dimensions of wellness by participating in activities that address leadership, decision-making, commitment, risk-taking, stress management, compassion, and personal fitness. These activities will help to build personal wellness, self- esteem, group support, initiative and responsibility
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Junior and Senior electives
Cooperative Games
Students will learn games that focus on communication, cooperation, teamwork, trust and problem solving. Students will also focus on the social and physical development of preschool age children. The students will observe, assist and teach young children in a wide range of early movement activities. The class will include coverage in the areas of nutrition, games, and personal wellness.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
First Aid & CPR
Students will learn how to recognize and treat life-threatening emergencies, including cardiac arrest and choking for adult, child and infant victims. Students also learn to recognize the warning signs of heart attack and stroke in adults and breathing difficulties in children and basic first aid/treating athletic injuries. Successful completion of this class will result in American Red Cross certification.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Get Fit
This course will include a variety of fitness activities such as fitness walking, fitness hiking, step aerobics, circuit training, pilates, yoga, jogging and core strengthening. Classes consist of a warm-up, cardio training, cool down and stretching, as well as muscle conditioning exercises.Nutrition and weight-control con-cepts may also be discussed.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Lifeguard Training
Provides entry-level participants the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathtaking and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illness until EMS personnel take over.
Prerequisites: Minimum age is 15, swim 300 yards continuously, tread water for 2 minutes using only your legs, complete a timed event within one minute (swim 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet, retrieve a 10 pound object, return to the surface and swim 20 yards backstroke to the start point, exit the water without using steps or the ladder.) Participants who successfully complete the Lifeguarding course receive an American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPA/AED, valid for 2 years.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Lifetime Activities
This course provides diverse offerings to meet the individual needs of all students and to develop competency in individual and dual activities. Improved fitness is a goal through a variety of activities. Activities may include: golf, pickle ball, snowshoeing, ultimate frisbee, badminton, tennis, bocci and volleyball.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Outdoor Pursuits
This course introduces the student to outdoor activities including: fitnes walking, snowshoeing. PROJECT WILD/PROJECT EAGLE & hiking.
LIFETIME ACTIVITIES This course provides diverse offerings to meet the individual needs of all students and to develop competency in individual and dual activities. Improved fitness is a goal through a variety of activities. Activities may include: golf, pickle ball, snowshoeing, ultimate frisbee, badminton, tennis, bocci and volleyball.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Team Sports
Instruction and games for the individual who enjoys cooperative and a competitive physical environment. Among the activities are basketball, floor hockey, team handball, volleyball, flag football, soccer, and whiffle ball. This course may also include coaching techniques, sports management and officiating.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Water Games
This course is designed for the student who is comfortable in an aquatic environment. Water. Safety/Games include the basics of some water safety and some water sports such as water polo, volleyball, basketball, and Frisbee.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic, intermediate, and advanced postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation methods of yoga. Students will begin to experience the benefits of stretching, moving, and breathing freely as they relieve built up stress and learn to relax. Students will experience the benefits of using props and advancing their yoga practice.
Standard –1 Credit – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
High School Health Education
Introduction to Health
For freshmen. This course is designed to introduce students to personal health concepts. Topics covered will include: Mental health awareness, healthy relationships, disease prevention, and sex education.
1 Credits – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Healthy Decision Making
For sophomores. This course introduces the student to healthy decision-making. Topics covered in-clude: How to deal with peer pressure, refusal skills, communication skills, drugs, alcohol & tobacco education, basic nutrition, body image and fitness.
1 Credits – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Healthy Lifestyles
For juniors. This course provides students with the tools needed to live a healthy lifestyle. Topics covered include: Stress management, goal setting, advanced nutrition, and consumer health.
1 Credits – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
Transitioning From Adolescence into Adulthood
For seniors. This course provides students with the skills necessary for the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Topics covered include: Sexuality, violence prevention, conflict resolution, self-advocacy, accessing health & community health.
1 Credits – 2 Periods per Cycle – Half Year
EMR - Emergency Medical Response
This is a major course offered to juniors and seniors who are interest in emergency response career training.
5 Credits - 6 times per cycle - Full Year