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Monday - Friday        7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Early Release              7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


All students and faculty may check out materials for two weeks. When materials are needed for longer than two weeks, students and faculty may request that they be renewed. There are no fines for overdue materials; however, we strongly encourage you to return your books on time as someone else may be waiting for them.  Patrons are responsible for paying the replacement cost of any lost or damaged items.


Visiting the library. All students are welcome to use the library before or after school without a pass, provided they sign in upon arrival.  During the school day (from first homeroom bell to dismissal, including lunch), students are required to have a pass written by the teacher for whom they are doing work.
Behavior. Visitors to the library are expected to behave in a respectful manner to other students and adults. Inappropriate language, physical contact and bullying of any kind are never tolerated.
Food. Please consume any food and drink before you enter the library. Only water is permitted inside the library.
Privacy. We respect the privacy of all our patrons; therefore, all circulation records are confidential and will not be shared with any other person, including teachers, staff, parents or guardians.

Freshman and New Student Orientation

Library Orientation Slideshow


The library has two printers/copiers that are available for student use. Please bring your own paper if you need to print or copy more than 10 sheets of paper.

If you do not have time to come to the library to print a document, you may share it with and we will print it out. You may pick it up at the circulation desk at your convenience.

Librarian and Mo Picture
Librarian Maria D'Orsi and Illustrator Mo Willems picture.
Library image