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- Swank movie streaming service
- PBS Learning Media
- WGBH Distance Learning Center: 9-12
- New York TImes Learning Network publishes teaching tools, including articles, essays, images, videos, graphics and podcasts, across subject areas. Access is free but non-subscribers may only access 5 lesson plans per month.
- WatchKnowLearn
- Young Adult Library Services Association Resources for Parents and Educators
- The Economist Educational Foundation Teaching resources to encourage critical thinking about the news and news literacy.
EL Resources
Colorín Colorado: Colorín Colorado is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of bilingual, research-based information, activities, and advice for educators and families of English language learners. See this article about teaching English Learners during the COVID-19 shutdown.
Voice of America's Learning English offers series of video English lessons for beginring, intermediate advanced learners, as well as videos on English grammar and idioms.
Grammar Smash App EL students can learn Engish grammar by playing this game. Available in Android and IOS.
ELA Resources
Read the classics for free at Project Gutenberg. You can read books online or download them to your device. You can also install the Gutenberg Books App from the App Store and GooglePlay.
Brush up on or learn a new foreign language
Social Studies Resources
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Primary Sources
Freedom on the Move is a searchable database of advertisements for fugitives from American slavery. The ads offer insight into the experiences of enslaved people.
The National Archives and Record Adminstration is an independent agency of the United States government charged with the preservation and documentation of government and historical records
- Founded in 1936, LIFE magazine is the visual chronicle of the “American century.” The magazine's ninety staff photographers documented the events, stories, and people that shaped the modern era.
- Life Magazine Photo Archive
- The Smithsonian Learning Lab contains millions of searchable Smithsonian digital images, recordings, texts, and videos in history, art and culture, and the sciences.
- Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 Collected in conjunction with the Works Projects Administration, this archive contains more than 2,300 first-person accounts of slavery and 500 black-and-white photographs of former slaves.
- Eurodocs Primary historical documents from Western Europe
- Voices of the Holocaust features interviews and transcriptions of Holocaust survivors.
- Documents of the Holocaust A collection of primary historical documents, speeches, and other materials around the Holocaust.
- Library of Congress Civil Rights History Project Interviews with activists who participated in the Civil Rights Movement.
- Black Abolitionist Archives
- Fordham University Internet History Resources Project
- Library of Congress Digital Collection
- Digital Public Library of America
The World Fact Book, an online and print publication issued by the CIA, contains information on the history, people, government, economy, and geography for 267 world entities, and includes both geographical and political maps. The CIA also publishes a directory of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments which is updated weekly.
Today's Front Pages Washington D.C.'s Newseum displays front pages from over 800 newspapers around the world each day.
- The Freedom Forum is a nonpartisan foundation that champions the First Amendment freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition. Its educational institute includes the First Amendment Center and the Religious Freedom Center.
- United States Holocaust Museum Intended as a living memorial to the Holocaust, the museum "inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity."
- POTUS: Presidents of the United States Biographical information, cabinet members, election results, notable events, and short videos about every U.S. president.
- Websites for each of the three branches of the federal government: Executive (the White House); Legislative (the Senate & the House of Representatives); and Judicial (the Supreme Court),
- Anne Frank Information about Anne Frank, her family and the secret annex from the website of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.
- The History Place
- The Civil War Published by the National Park Service, this website contains a database of soldiers and sailors who served during the Civil War, information about battles and virtual collections of Civil War artifacts.
- World History Encyclopedia