AP Exam Sign Up
Please sign up below if you are taking the AP exam this year. The cost of the exam this year is $98. If a student has free or reduced lunch, or qualifies as low income, the reduced cost of the exam is $15 (If you are unsure if you qualify, please contact your school counselor). You can pay online below or in-person. Please contact Andree Pierre-Paul (aPierrePaul@medford.k12.ma.us or 781-393-2319) to arrange for in-person payment. You may pay in person at MHS with cash or a money order. Payment must be received by November 3rd, 2023.
Please note: Students must also indicate "yes" on their college board account if they are taking the exam. We cannot order the exams unless a student has both indicated "yes" through the college board next to the exam name, and has paid for the exam.