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AP Exam Sign Up

Please sign up below if you are taking the AP exam this year. The cost of the exam this year is $99.  If you are experiencing financial difficulties and may need support with the exams, please connect with your school counselor.  You can pay online below or in-person.  Please contact Andree Pierre-Paul ( or 781-393-2319) to arrange for in-person payment. You may pay in person at MHS with cash or a money order. Payment must be received by November 1st, 2024.

Please note: Students must also indicate "yes" on their college board account if they are taking the exam. We cannot order the exams unless a student has both indicated "yes" through the college board next to the exam name, and has paid for the exam.


Student Namerequired
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Have you met with your counselor and received a reduced exam fee? This will be confirmed with your counselor.required
AP ExamPlease select up to 12 choices
Please select up to 12 choices
AP ExamPlease select up to 12 choices
Please select up to 12 choices

Payment Information

Provide an email address for the receipt.

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired